Basic operations on a scene¶
Open a scene
Use the loaddocument function:
-- load a sample
loaddocument ("$(SAMPLES)/Surface.gproject")
Save a scene
Use the savedocument function:
-- Save the current scene
savedocument ()
-- Or save to a different location
savedocument ("/tmp/scene.gproject")
Close a scene and restart with a fresh new document
Use the newdocument function:
-- Clean up everything
-- Make sure the user really wants it!
local warnIfCurrentModified = true
if not newdocument (warnIfCurrentModified) then
print ("User aborted!")
Open and close a modification context
To modify a scene data (create new nodes, change plug value...) you must open a modification context. This allows Guerilla to track all the modifications as a single undo/redo action.
Use the Document:modify () method to declare a new modification context:
-- Create a new modification context
local mod = Document:modify ()
-- Change the timeline last frame
mod.set (Document.LastFrame, 100)
-- Close the modification context
mod.finish ()
The modifier is an object that can handle all the possible document modifications.
Create a new node
Use the Modifier.createnode function:
local mod = Document:modify ()
-- Create the 'Group' node at the root
mod.createnode (Document, "SceneGraphNode", "Group")
-- Don't forget to finish the modification!
mod.finish ()
Load a node from a file
Use the Node:loadfile () method:
-- Even though we don't explicitely use the modifier here
-- we still have to open a new modification context
local mod = Document:modify ()
-- Load the library cube primitive
local result = Document:loadfile ("$(LIBRARY)/primitives/cube.glocator")
if result then
-- #result is the number of loaded nodes
print ("We just loaded "..(#result).. " nodes:")
for k, node in ipairs (result) do
print (node:getname ())
print ("An error occured!")
-- Don't forget to finish the modification!
mod.finish ()
Save a node to a file
Use the Node:savefile () method:
-- No need for a modification context
local rg = _"RenderGraph"
if rg then
rg:savefile ("/tmp/rg.grendergraph")
print ("RenderGraph doesn't exist!")