
The Archives sample renders instances of RibBox nodes.

The Procedural/RibBox node renders the content of an archive .rib file (or .rib.gz for compressed files).

Rib archives can be generated from any Guerilla project using the File/Create Archive... command.

The content of the archive file should follow the RenderMan® Interface Specification.

The User Guide/Scene Graph/Archives section. The Help > Samples > Archives sample.

The RibBox attributes


The path to the rib file.


Read As Scene

The rib file is supposed to start by the world description (WorldBegin). If the rib file is a scene files, starting with camera and display descriptions, check this attribute.


Refresh Boxes

Guerilla will attempt to compute a bounding box using the RibBox content.

Remove Boxes

Remove the computed bounding boxes.

Retime Mode

For a Guerilla rib file, let this attribute to No Retime.
If the rib file contains MotionBegin commands with a shutter time relative to the current frame, set this attribute to Retime frame based shutter.
If the rib file contains MotionBegin commands with an absolute shutter time, set this attribute to Retime constant shutter.


Override Shutter

Check this attribute to override the shutter time for the ric file commands.


Shutter Open

The overriden shutter open.


Override Shutter

The overriden shutter close.
