

nil command.create ( string label , string icon , string shortcut ) Create a command
nil command.executebyshortname ( string name , [ Window window ] ) Execute a command by its name
nil command.focusview ( string name , string viewtype , string icon , string shortcut ) Create a command to focus a specific view (or create the view in the current active tab)
command|nil command command.getcommandbyshortname ( types.string name ) Return a command by its shortname, or nil if the command doesn't exist
nil command.getcommands ( ) Return the list of commands, indexed by their label
nil command.getshortcommands ( ) Return the list of commands, indexed by their short name
nil ( string label , string icon , string shortcut ) Create a menu
nil command.setshortcut ( [string|command] command , [string|nil] shortcut ) Set a command shortcut