
guerilla.render(mode, opts)

Start a rendering process

This function starts a rendering process just like the Batch Render or Farm Render commands do.

mode indicates to which render farm manager the render is submitted to, such as “Coalition”. mode accepts other generic values:

  • “farm” or true or nil: use the default farm interface (set in Preferences > Local Settings > Render Farm > Active Farm)
  • “batch” or false: render on the system without using the render farm
  • “none”: only generate the rendering files without actually rendering them

opts are options used for rib generation and render farm submission. Possible options are:

  • string Name: the name of the rendering job, used as a prefix for generated files and display in the render farm manager (default is project name.)
  • string FilePrefix: the prefix of the generated script and rib files.
  • string JobsDirectory: the directory where to generate job scripts (default is $(JOBS).)
  • string RibsDirectory: the directory where to generate rib files (default is $(RIBS).)
  • string Frames: the range of frames to render (default is the rendering range set in the Passes view.)
  • bool ForceHighQuality: force the rendering to high quality regardless of the Low Quality settings.
  • bool NoRib: disable rib generation
  • bool RibOnly: disable job submission
  • bool DeferredRibGen: force rib generation on the farm in a separate job.
  • string DeferredFile: the location of the file where to snap shot the current document for rib generation. By default, the snapshot is located in the jobs directory.
  • int DistributedCount: force the image to be rendered in multiple tasks. Choose a square number (1, 4, 9 etc..). In batch or farm render only.

Notice: When using DeferredRibGen option, you must provide the DeferredFile option. Guerilla will then save the current document to that location as a snapshot so the farm can later use this file for rib generation. All other options are passed to the render farm interface as custom parameters. Notable options for Coalition are:

  • Host: The host name of the render manager to submit jobs to
  • Port: The host port of the render manager to submit jobs to
  • Parent: The parent job in which to submit the jobs (default is project Render Parent, or Root)
  • TimeOut: The job time out value in minutes (default is project time out, or none)
  • Affinity: The job affinity (default is project affinity, or none)
  • Priority: The initial jobs priority (default is project priority, or 1000)
  • Retry: The initial jobs retries count (default is 10)


Submitting with all default options: render ()

Submitting with specific frame range and name: render (“farm”, { Frames=”12:30”, Name=”MySequence” })

Submitting with deferred rib generation: render (“farm”, { DeferredRibGen = true })

param mode:The render farm interface, or “batch” to render on the local system, “farm” to use the default render farm interface, or “none” to just generate ribs.
type mode:str
param opts:The farm/batch options
type opts:table or None