
guerilla.blast(width, height, file, camera, firstframe, lastframe, framestep, framerate, quality, fovmode, showgrid, sampling, separateStereo, filterPrimitives, filterCameras, filterLights, showfilename, showframenumber, keepImages, shadingMode, codec, forceFilename)

Render an blast sequence

This function renders a sequence of images from a given camera, using the OpenGL viewport.

All parameters are optionnal, and will be guessed when missing. The camera can either be a Camera object, either a string giving the name or the path of the camera, or nil to use the Main Camera (or the Perspective if no Main Camera.) Width defaults to the project’s width setting, and height is computed from frame width and camera ratio. First frame and last frame are guessed from the current time line, framestep defaults to 1. FrameRate defaults to 25, quality to 80. Fovmode is “fullframe”, and showgrid is false. When file is missing, Guerilla opens a file selector, unless Guerilla is started with –nogui. The arguments can be passed to the command through an array like this : LUA{blast { width = 640, height = 480, file = “F:/Code/blast/”, shadingMode = “shaded” }}

param width:The image width (default is project default width)
type width:int
param height:The image height (default is project default width divided by camera frame ratio)
type height:int
param file:The saved image file name. To get an image sequence, use the “.png” extension, for a movie, use the “.mov” one. The movie ceation is not available under GNU/Linux.
type file:str
param camera:The camera to use for blast rendering (default is Main Camera, or Perspective if no Main Camera)
type camera:Camera or str
param firstframe:
 The first frame of the range to be rendered (default is time line first frame)
type firstframe:
param lastframe:
 The last frame of the range to be rendered (default is time line last frame)
type lastframe:int
param framestep:
 The step between 2 frames being rendered (default is 1)
type framestep:int
param framerate:
 The encoded QuickTime movie frame rate, in fps (default is 25 fps)
type framerate:int
param quality:The encoded QuickTime movie quality, from 0 to 100 (default is 80)
type quality:int
param fovmode:The Field Of View gatting mode (may be “gatedframe”, “gatedwidth”, “gatedheight”, “fullframe” (default), “fullwidth”, “fullheight”)
type fovmode:str
param showgrid:Is the world grid displayed or not when rendering blast (default is false)
type showgrid:bool
param sampling:The number of samples for antialiasing (default is 1)
type sampling:int
param separateStereo:
 If true, render separate stereo images/movies (default is false)
type separateStereo:
param filterPrimitives:
 Display the primitives or not (default is true)
type filterPrimitives:
param filterCameras:
 Display the cameras gizmo or not (default is true)
type filterCameras:
param filterLights:
 Display the lights gizmo or not (default is true)
type filterLights:
param showfilename:
 Display the file name (default is false)
type showfilename:
param showframenumber:
 Display the frame number (default is false)
type showframenumber:
param keepImages:
 In movie mode, keep the images if true. (default is false)
type keepImages:
param shadingMode:
 The shading mode (“wireframe”, “filled”). If nil, use the camera mode.
type shadingMode:
param codec:The codec to use (“h261”, “h263”, “h264”, “jpeg2000”, “motionjpega”, “motionjpegb”, “mpeg”, “mpeg4”, “sorensen”, “sorensen3”, “animation”, “png”, “tiff”) (default is “h264”)
type codec:str
param forceFilename:
 If true, original image file name is kept (default is false)
type forceFilename: