
The position, orientation and scale of scene graph nodes in a 3D scene are controlled by the Transform and the World Space and the Transform Inherit attributes.

World Space

The World Space attribute controls how the scene graph node axes are to be interpreted:

  • World Default: The axes are in a left-handed, Y up world reference.
  • World Maya: The axes are as in Maya, right-handed, Y up world reference.
  • World 3dsMax: The axes are as in 3dsMax, right-handed, Z up world reference.
The Inherit mode indicates that the world space is identical to the parent node.

Transform Inherit

Transform Inherit indicates if the parent transform is to be compound to the node transform. This makes the node world transform relative to the parent.


The scene graph transform is a 4x4 affine matrix that transforms the node position, orientation and scale. You can modify it by using the transform tools, but not edit its values manually.

To edit a transform, use the Euler transform node, as explained below.

Transform Stack

You can control more specifically the transform of a scene graph node by using the transform stack. The final transform is computed by concatenating the transform nodes from top to bottom. Different types of transforms are available:

  • Euler: Applies a translation, rotation and scale. Each component can be individually changed and animated.
  • Target: Applies a look-at rotation aligned on the Z axis towards a Target node. When creating a Target transform, an additional Target node is created.
  • Constraint: Constraints the transform on another node transform.
  • Shake: Applies a pseudo-random translation.
  • Baked: Applies the transform coming from the baking package (Maya, Alembic). You can only have one baked transform.
Transform nodes are visible in the Node List, as children of the scene graph node.

You can add a transform node on the stack.

Add a transform node
  1. Select a scene graph node.
  2. Choose the Transform type to add with the Properties > Transform > Transform Stack > Add a Transform Node drop down list.
  3. And click the Add button.

You can move a transform node up or down the transform stack.

Move a transform node
  1. Select a scene graph node.
  2. Click the Properties > Transform > Transform Stack > item > Move Up/Move Down button.

You can remove a transform node from the stack.

Delete a transform node
  1. Select a scene graph node.
  2. Click the Properties > Transform > Transform Stack > item > Delete button.

You can reset the node transform to the identity.

Reset the transform
  1. Select a scene graph node.
  2. Click the Properties > Transform > Reset Transform button.

This operation resets each transform node in the stack when possible.

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