First Steps

This example covers your first steps with the Guerilla python sdk.


To start, let’s select something in our scene

from guerilla import Modifier, pynode
with Modifier() as mod:
    # select RenderGraph node
    # replace current selection['RenderGraph'], mode='replace')

Access Nodes

Access nodes of the scene with their path

from guerilla import pynode
# Look up the Output inside the RenderGraph
n = pynode ('RenderGraph|Output')
# You can also use the _ function, which is equivalent
from guerilla import _
n = _('RenderGraph|Output')
# Both the pynode and _ functions are equivalent to:
from guerilla import Document
n = Document ().findchild ('RenderGraph|Output')

You can also access an immediate child of a node

from guerilla import _
# Look up the Output inside the RenderGraph
rg = _('RenderGraph')
output = rg.getchild ('Output')

Scene Parsing

Now Let’s see what is inside this node

from guerilla import pynode
n = pynode('RenderGraph')
for c in n.children():
    print, type(c)

If we want to list lights

from guerilla import Document
# Note:
# type='Light' to filter lights only
# recursive=True option to iterate deep in hierarchy
for c in Document().children(type='Light',recursive=True):
    print, type(c)

List all the shading overrides of the RenderGraph node

import guerilla
for c in guerilla.pynode("RenderGraph").children ():
        for plug in c.plugs(type="AttributePlug") :
                print plug.getname ()

Dealing with attributes

Let’s add a square light in our scene.

First we need to create a light then we change its Plug (named LightType) to ‘square’

from guerilla import Modifier
with Modifier() as mod:
    ln = mod.doc.loadfile('$(LIBRARY)/lights/pointlight.glight')[0]

Now we will store the artist name in a new attribute

from guerilla import Modifier, Plug, pynode
with Modifier() as mod:
    ln = pynode('light1') # or create it...
    # create a Dynamic (saved in the scene) user plug (show up in the UI)
    mod.createplug(ln, 'CreatedBy', 'user', 'string', Plug.Dynamic, 'Jimi Hendrix')

And now for experts (yeah!):

  • Add a node with a custom color attributes which will drive our light color
from guerilla import Modifier, Document, Plug, pynode
with Modifier() as mod:
    lr = mod.createnode('lightRig')
    c = mod.createplug(lr, 'Color', 'user', 'color', Plug.Dynamic, [0, 1, 0])
    ln = pynode('light1') # or create it...
    # so now changing light rig color will change the light color
    # let's print our light color (to check connection)
    print ln.Color.get()
  • List all attributes of a node
from guerilla import Document
# iterate over all cameras of the scene
for camera in Document ().children (type='Camera'):
    print ("*** "+camera.getpath ())
    # iterate over all plugs
    for plug in camera.plugs ():
        print ("   "+plug.getname ())
        plugtype = plug.gettype ()
        if plugtype != None:
            print ("      type " + plugtype.getname ())
            plugvalue = plug.get ()
            print ("      value " + str (plugvalue))
  • List all textures
from guerilla import Document
# iterate over all nodes of the scene
for node in Document ().children (recursive=True):
    # iterate over all plugs which type is 'texture'
    for plug in node.plugs ():
        plugtype = plug.gettype ()
        if plugtype != None and plugtype.getname () == 'texture':
            print (plug.get ())

or alternatively:

from guerilla import Document
# iterate over all nodes of the scene
for node in Document ().children (recursive=True):
    # iterate over all plugs which type is 'texture'
    for plug in node.plugs (typename='texture'):
        print (plug.get ())

Going further

  • Try the next example in Examples
  • Explore the API documentation