
The EnvLight is an environment light using a simple color or an HDR environment texture.

Rotate an EnvLight texture
  1. Select the EnvLight.
  2. Rotate the EnvLight on the Y axis like any transform. It will rotate the HDR texture.

The EnvLight attributes


The environment bitmap to use.

Map Mode

The mode of the input bitmap, either a vertical cross, a mirror ball probe or a latitude/longitude map. Automatic determine environment map format based on dimensions.

The same bitmap in Vertical Cross, Mirror Ball and Latitude Longitude map mode. Images Copyright © Paul Debevec

Compensated MIS

Take BSDF sampling into account when samping the environment. Helps with noise reduction. Legacy value is 0, sweet spot is usually around 0.5.


A simple rotation of the environment on the Y axis.


The color space of the input bitmap.


The hue correction to apply to the environment at lookup


The saturation correction to apply to the environment at lookup


The instensity of the environment


The size of the internally generated environment, the bigger the longer to build and the larger in memory.


The multiplying factor for the environment sampling quality.


Hides the environment ball in the viewport.

The User Guide/Lighting/Environment lights section.