class Window
The base class for all UI windows
Children classes : class CheckList , class DropCheck , class DropList , class EditBox , class Quad , class Text , class TextButton , class TitleWindow , class Tree , class TreeEx , class ZoomableView
| addtracker | (
Add a tracker to this window. A tracker receives notification when the tracked window is invalidated or destroyed. A tracker may implement onTrackedDestroyed and onTrackedInvalidated to get notifications on such events |
| destroy | ( ) | Destroy the window and all its children windows |
| disable | ( ) | Disable the window |
| enable | ( ) | Enable the window |
| getchild | (
Get a child window |
| getcontainer | ( ) | Get the main container of a window |
| geth | ( ) | Get the window height |
| getparent | (
Get the first parent window of given class (immediate parent if no class is provided) |
| getroot | ( ) | Return the root window of this window |
| getw | ( ) | Get the window width |
| getx | ( ) | Get the window X coordinate in the parent space |
| gety | ( ) | Get the window Y coordinate in the parent space |
| hide | ( ) | Hide the window |
| removetracker | (
Remove a tracker of this window. |
| setcolor | (
Change the window color, see also ui.color function |
| setfocus | ( ) | Set the focus to the window |
| seth | (
Set the window height |
| settitle | (
Change the window title |
| settopmost | ( ) | Set the window as top most in children order |
| setw | (
Set the window width |
| setx | (
Set the X window placement |
| sety | (
Set the Y window placement |
| show | ( ) | Show the window |
Add a tracker to this window. A tracker receives notification when the tracked window is invalidated or destroyed. A tracker may implement onTrackedDestroyed and onTrackedInvalidated to get notifications on such events
tracker The tracker that listens to notifications.
Destroy the window and all its children windows
Disable the window
Enable the window
Get a child window
name The child window name
Get the main container of a window
container the container window
Get the window height
Get the first parent window of given class (immediate parent if no class is provided)
parentclass An optionnal parent class
Return the root window of this window
Get the window width
Get the window X coordinate in the parent space
Get the window Y coordinate in the parent space
Hide the window
Remove a tracker of this window.
tracker The tracker to remove.
Change the window color, see also ui.color function
color the color to set
Set the focus to the window
Set the window height
h The absolute height of the windowparentmul The parent window height factorchildadd The height added to the heighest childchildmul The heighest child height factor
Change the window title
name The new window title
Set the window as top most in children order
Set the window width
w The absolute width of the windowparentmul The parent window width factorchildadd The width added to the largest childchildmul The largest child width factor
Set the X window placement
x The x coordinate of the window in pixels, relative to the parentparentpivot The pivot position in parent window, in 0..1 rangepivot The pivot position in window, in 0..1 range
Set the Y window placement
y The y coordinate of the window in pixels, relative to the parentparentpivot The pivot position in parent window, in 0..1 rangepivot The pivot position in window, in 0..1 range
Show the window