class Procedural
A scriptable procedural 3d renderable object.
class Procedural < class Primitive < class Locator < class SceneGraphNode < class HostNode < class SelectableNode < class Node
Children classes : class ProceduralRef , class RenderGraphNodeProcedural
| bake | ( ) | Bake the procedural and pass it in "Read" mode. This methods is only for the HairAndFur procedural. |
| baketoarchive | (
Write the procedural geometry to the given file (only ghostdata and obj files are supported at the moment) |
| createref | (
Create a ProceduralRef to a gprocedural file |
| getimplantationmode | ( ) | Check if the procedural can its implantationmode forced to baked |
| hasimplantationmode | ( ) | Check if the procedural has an implantation mode |
| overrideinheritedattr | (
Override the attribute |
| setimplantationmodebake | (
Force the implantationmode to baking |
| setinheritedattr | (
Set the inheritance status of the attribute |
| setprocparam | (
Set a procedural parameter value, create the plug if does not exist |
| bakeall | ( ) | Bake the procedurals which are marked as Bake |
| forceallbaked | ( ) | Force all the procedurals as Bake, then bake tham all, and force them all as Read back. |
| forcebake | (
Force procedurals to bake their implantation and switch them to Read -- |
Inherited from class Locator
MeshPlug-compound | Geometry | - | The real time geometry to be displayed |
Inherited from class SceneGraphNode
transform | Transform | RW | The SceneGraphNode's local to world transform |
types.enum | HierarchyMode | RW | Indicates the transform mode of the node (local, world as PRMan, Maya or Max) |
types.bool | TransformInherit | RW | Indicates if this node inherits the transform stack |
types.bool | FreezeTransform | RW | Indicate if the SceneGraphNode's parameters are to be frozen |
nil | InvWBounds | R | Invalidated when the world transform and/or bounds of the object has changed. |
boolean | Hidden | RW | The visibility state. |
boolean | IsHidden | R | The visibility state. This plug tells if this node is visible, regarding its state and the state of its parents. |
types.string | Mermbership | RW | The list of tags the node owns |
nil | RibAttributes | RW | The dependency on the additional Rib Attributes to be assigned |
nil | Instances | RW | The dpendencies on instanced SceneGraphNodes |
| listbytags | (
List nodes in the hierarchy that have at least one of the given tags |
| getsgparent | ( ) | Returns the node's hierarchical parent. |
| getmatrix | ( ) | Returns the node's first transform matrix. |
| getposition | ( ) | Returns the node's position. |
| getworldtransform | ( ) | Returns the node's world transform. |
| getworldmatrix | ( ) | Returns the node's world transform first matrix. |
| getworldposition | ( ) | Returns the node's world position. |
| getworldtolocaltransform | ( ) | Returns the inverse of the world transform |
| getworldtolocalmatrix | ( ) | Returns the inverse of the world matrix |
| gethierarchymode | ( ) | Returns the hierarchymode of the node, which may be inherited |
| getparentworldtransform | ( ) | Returns the exclusive world transform of the node |
| getparentworldmatrix | ( ) | Returns the exclusive world matrix of the node |
| setworldmatrix | (
Set the world matrix of the node |
| setworldposition | (
Set the world position of the node, leaving the rest of the transform unchanged |
| setmatrix | (
Set the local matrix of the node |
| traverse | (
Traverse the hierarchy and call a map function on every node |
| gettransform | ( ) | Return the top Transform node of the transform stack of this SceneGraphNode or this if the stack is empty |
| filltransformtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Transform" attributes |
| fillscenenodetemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Primitive" attributes |
| fillproceduraltemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Procedural" attributes |
| fillgeometrytemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Geometry" attributes |
| fillsubdivtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Subdivision" attributes |
| fillopengltemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "OpenGL" attributes |
| filllinkingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Linking" attributes |
| fillarealighttemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Area Light" attributes |
| fillraytracingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Raytracing" attributes |
| fillshadertemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Surface" attributes |
| fillshadingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Shading" attributes |
| fillsamplingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Sampling" attributes |
| fillanimationtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Animation" attributes |
| fillvolumetrictemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Volumetric" attributes |
| fillcurvestemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Curves" attributes |
| fillparticlestemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Particles" attributes |
| isinstance | (
Returns true if the given path contains an instance |
| isleafinstance | (
Returns true if the lath item of the path is an instance |
| createinstance | (
Create an instance at this node |
| removeinstance | (
Remove an instance |
| flatteninstance | (
Flatten an instance by name, or all instances if name is nil |
| realpathtonode | (
Returns a node from a path, this path must be static |
| pathtonode | (
Returns a node from a path, this path may be dynamically generated by RenderGraph instancing |
| listrenderattributes | ( ) | Get the list of available render attributes |
| getrenderattributedefinition | (
Lookup the render attributes definition by for a category and aan attribute name |
| setrenderattributeproperty | (
Set a render attribute property |
| displayrenderattribute | (
Enable/disable the display of a specific attribute in the properties |
| getrenderattributes | (
Get the rendering attributes of a node/path |
| pathworldtransform | (
Get the local to world transform a node/path |
| getparentpath | (
Get the parent path of a path |
| pathworldtransformorient | (
Get the local to world transform a node/path with its local z axis transform applied (lights and cameras can have their z flipped) |
| pathlocaltransformorient | (
Get the world to local transform a node/path with its local z axis transform applied (lights and cameras can have their z flipped) |
Inherited from class HostNode
types.string | HostPath | RW | The data archive to read HostPlugs value when baked |
| deleteinheritedattr | (
Delete an inherited attribute plug from the node |
| overrideinheritedattr | (
Override the attribute |
| setinheritedattr | (
Set the inheritance status of the attribute |
Inherited from class SelectableNode
boolean | Selected | R | True if the node is selected. Don't use this plug directly to select a node, use the Document's modifier select method. |
Inherited from class Node
string | Name | RW | The node name |
| belongstoreference | (
Tells if the node belongs to the reference, or a sub reference |
| delete | ( ) | Delete a node |
| eval | (
Called by the framework when plug (a node's plug) must be evaluated |
| findchild | (
Find a child node or plug using a path |
| findparent | (
Find the first parent Node of this Node of a specific class |
| getchild | (
Get a child node by its name |
| getname | ( ) | Get the Node name in its parent |
| getparent | ( ) | Get the parent Node of this Node |
| getpath | ( ) | Returns the node path as a string that can be reused with findchild |
| getreference | ( ) | Returns the reference node it is connected to |
| getreferences | (
Returns the references in the document sorted depth first. |
| getstringcopy | ( ) | Return a copy of the node and its content as a string to be pasted |
| gettopreference | ( ) | Returns the top reference node it is connected to |
| iseditable | ( ) | Indicates if the node can be edited by the user in the UI |
| isindocument | ( ) | Tells if the node is inside a document, or is pending in the void |
| ismoveable | ( ) | Tells if the node can be moved |
| isparent | (
Tells if this node is parent of the potential child |
| isreference | ( ) | Tells if a node comes from a reference project |
| isselected | ( ) | Tell if the node is selected |
| loadfile | (
load a file content in this node. Possible options are: overrideclass to enforce a specific class for the root node. |
| loadtemplate | (
load a template file |
| move | (
Move a node to a new parent |
| onpathchanged | ( ) | Called by the framework when the name of this node or of one of its parent is modified |
| pastestringcopy | (
Paste a string copy into this node |
| referencefile | (
reference a file content in this node. |
| rename | (
Rename a node |
| savefile | (
load a node to a file |
| seteditable | (
Change the editable state of the node |
| setflags | ( ) | Set the node flags |
Bake the procedural and pass it in "Read" mode. This methods is only for the HairAndFur procedural.
Write the procedural geometry to the given file (only ghostdata and obj files are supported at the moment)
file The file path to write
Create a ProceduralRef to a gprocedural file
parent The parent to create the ProceduralRef inname The name of the ProceduralReffilename The path to the referenced Procedural
ProceduralRef The created reference
Check if the procedural can its implantationmode forced to baked
Check if the procedural has an implantation mode
Override the attribute
plugname The attribute plug namevalue The attribute value
Force the implantationmode to baking
mode The implantationmode to set
Set the inheritance status of the attribute
plugname The attribute plug nameinherited True or nil if the attribute is to be inherited, false otherwisevalue The attribute value if not inherited, or nil to set to default
Set a procedural parameter value, create the plug if does not exist
name The parameter name (must begin with 'procparam')value The value of the parameter, nil or None to reset the parameter to the default state
Bake the procedurals which are marked as Bake
Force all the procedurals as Bake, then bake tham all, and force them all as Read back.
Force procedurals to bake their implantation and switch them to Read --
procedurals The optional list of procedurals to bake --