class Transform
The transform class is the base class for the transform node plug-ins.
class Transform < class SelectableNode < class Node
transform | In | R | The result of the previous transform in the stack |
transform | Out | RW | The result of this transform to compute. |
| construct | (
Create and add the transform to the scene graph node's transform stack |
| delete | ( ) | Delete this transform |
| getaxisrotation | (
Return the local rotation angle on the axis |
| getmatrix | ( ) | Return the matrix transforming from this node to the next one |
| gettransformtemplate | (
Add the transform template |
| getworldmatrix | ( ) | Return the matrix transforming from this transform to the world |
| movedown | ( ) | Move this transform one level up in the transform stack |
| moveup | ( ) | Move this transform one level up in the transform stack |
| setaxisrotation | (
Set the local rotation angle on the axis |
| setmatrix | (
Set the matrix of this transform |
| settranslation | (
Set the translation of this transform |
Inherited from class SelectableNode
boolean | Selected | R | True if the node is selected. Don't use this plug directly to select a node, use the Document's modifier select method. |
Inherited from class Node
string | Name | RW | The node name |
| belongstoreference | (
Tells if the node belongs to the reference, or a sub reference |
| delete | ( ) | Delete a node |
| eval | (
Called by the framework when plug (a node's plug) must be evaluated |
| findchild | (
Find a child node or plug using a path |
| findparent | (
Find the first parent Node of this Node of a specific class |
| getchild | (
Get a child node by its name |
| getname | ( ) | Get the Node name in its parent |
| getparent | ( ) | Get the parent Node of this Node |
| getpath | ( ) | Returns the node path as a string that can be reused with findchild |
| getreference | ( ) | Returns the reference node it is connected to |
| getreferences | (
Returns the references in the document sorted depth first. |
| getstringcopy | ( ) | Return a copy of the node and its content as a string to be pasted |
| gettopreference | ( ) | Returns the top reference node it is connected to |
| iseditable | ( ) | Indicates if the node can be edited by the user in the UI |
| isindocument | ( ) | Tells if the node is inside a document, or is pending in the void |
| ismoveable | ( ) | Tells if the node can be moved |
| isparent | (
Tells if this node is parent of the potential child |
| isreference | ( ) | Tells if a node comes from a reference project |
| isselected | ( ) | Tell if the node is selected |
| loadfile | (
load a file content in this node. Possible options are: overrideclass to enforce a specific class for the root node. |
| loadtemplate | (
load a template file |
| move | (
Move a node to a new parent |
| onpathchanged | ( ) | Called by the framework when the name of this node or of one of its parent is modified |
| pastestringcopy | (
Paste a string copy into this node |
| referencefile | (
reference a file content in this node. |
| rename | (
Rename a node |
| savefile | (
load a node to a file |
| seteditable | (
Change the editable state of the node |
| setflags | ( ) | Set the node flags |
The result of the previous transform in the stack
The result of this transform to compute.
Create and add the transform to the scene graph node's transform stack
node the scene graph node
Delete this transform
Return the local rotation angle on the axis
Return the matrix transforming from this node to the next one
Add the transform template
Return the matrix transforming from this transform to the world
Move this transform one level up in the transform stack
Move this transform one level up in the transform stack
Set the local rotation angle on the axis
axis angle
Set the matrix of this transform
Set the translation of this transform