class RenderGraphNodeProcedural
A RenderGraphNode that can spawn itself as a procedural
class RenderGraphNodeProcedural < class RenderGraphNode < class Procedural < class GraphNode < class Primitive < class SelectableNode < class DeletableNode < class Locator < class Node < class SceneGraphNode < class HostNode
Inherited from class RenderGraphNode
RW | Invalid | nil | The invalidation plug. Invalidating this plug causes all RenderGraphOutputs of this node to be invalidated. This plug is dependent on all RenderGraphInputs |
RW | NodePos | types.table | The node position in the graph, as {x,y} components |
RW | State | nil | The node state, either "active", "bypass" or "disabled". When "disabled", all outputs values are nil. When "bypass", all outputs values are the node's first node input's value. |
Inherited from class Procedural
| bake | ( ) | Bake the procedural and pass it in "Read" mode. This methods is only for the HairAndFur procedural. |
| baketoarchive | (
Write the procedural geometry to the given file (only ghostdata and obj files are supported at the moment) |
| createref | (
Create a ProceduralRef to a gprocedural file |
| getimplantationmode | ( ) | Check if the procedural can its implantationmode forced to baked |
| hasimplantationmode | ( ) | Check if the procedural has an implantation mode |
| overrideinheritedattr | (
Override the attribute |
| setimplantationmodebake | (
Force the implantationmode to baking |
| setinheritedattr | (
Set the inheritance status of the attribute |
| setprocparam | (
Set a procedural parameter value, create the plug if does not exist |
| bakeall | ( ) | Bake the procedurals which are marked as Bake |
| forceallbaked | ( ) | Force all the procedurals as Bake, then bake tham all, and force them all as Read back. |
| forcebake | (
Force procedurals to bake their implantation and switch them to Read -- |
Inherited from class GraphNode
| createinput | ( ) | Create a GraphInput in the node |
| createoutput | ( ) | Create a GraphOutput in the node |
| getinput | (
Get an input by its name |
| getinputclassname | ( ) | Return the name of the GraphInput class to use |
| getinputs | ( ) | List the node's inputs |
| getoutput | (
Get an output by its name |
| getoutputclassname | ( ) | Return the name of the GraphOutput class to use |
| getoutputs | ( ) | List the node's outputs |
| inputs | ( ) | An iterator on node's outputs |
| inputs | ( ) | An iterator on node's inputs |
| isgraphparent | (
Indicate if the other node is dependent on this node (i.e. if an output of self is directly/indirectly connected into any input of other.) |
| removeinput | (
Remove a GraphInput of the node |
| removeoutput | (
Remove a GraphOutput of the node |
Inherited from class SelectableNode
boolean | Selected | R | True if the node is selected. Don't use this plug directly to select a node, use the Document's modifier select method. |
Inherited from class Locator
MeshPlug-compound | Geometry | - | The real time geometry to be displayed |
Inherited from class Node
string | Name | RW | The node name |
| belongstoreference | (
Tells if the node belongs to the reference, or a sub reference |
| delete | ( ) | Delete a node |
| eval | (
Called by the framework when plug (a node's plug) must be evaluated |
| findchild | (
Find a child node or plug using a path |
| findparent | (
Find the first parent Node of this Node of a specific class |
| getchild | (
Get a child node by its name |
| getname | ( ) | Get the Node name in its parent |
| getparent | ( ) | Get the parent Node of this Node |
| getpath | ( ) | Returns the node path as a string that can be reused with findchild |
| getreference | ( ) | Returns the reference node it is connected to |
| getreferences | (
Returns the references in the document sorted depth first. |
| getstringcopy | ( ) | Return a copy of the node and its content as a string to be pasted |
| gettopreference | ( ) | Returns the top reference node it is connected to |
| iseditable | ( ) | Indicates if the node can be edited by the user in the UI |
| isindocument | ( ) | Tells if the node is inside a document, or is pending in the void |
| ismoveable | ( ) | Tells if the node can be moved |
| isparent | (
Tells if this node is parent of the potential child |
| isreference | ( ) | Tells if a node comes from a reference project |
| isselected | ( ) | Tell if the node is selected |
| loadfile | (
load a file content in this node. Possible options are: overrideclass to enforce a specific class for the root node. |
| loadtemplate | (
load a template file |
| move | (
Move a node to a new parent |
| onpathchanged | ( ) | Called by the framework when the name of this node or of one of its parent is modified |
| pastestringcopy | (
Paste a string copy into this node |
| referencefile | (
reference a file content in this node. |
| rename | (
Rename a node |
| savefile | (
load a node to a file |
| seteditable | (
Change the editable state of the node |
| setflags | ( ) | Set the node flags |
Inherited from class SceneGraphNode
transform | Transform | RW | The SceneGraphNode's local to world transform |
types.enum | HierarchyMode | RW | Indicates the transform mode of the node (local, world as PRMan, Maya or Max) |
types.bool | TransformInherit | RW | Indicates if this node inherits the transform stack |
types.bool | FreezeTransform | RW | Indicate if the SceneGraphNode's parameters are to be frozen |
nil | InvWBounds | R | Invalidated when the world transform and/or bounds of the object has changed. |
boolean | Hidden | RW | The visibility state. |
boolean | IsHidden | R | The visibility state. This plug tells if this node is visible, regarding its state and the state of its parents. |
types.string | Mermbership | RW | The list of tags the node owns |
nil | RibAttributes | RW | The dependency on the additional Rib Attributes to be assigned |
nil | Instances | RW | The dpendencies on instanced SceneGraphNodes |
| listbytags | (
List nodes in the hierarchy that have at least one of the given tags |
| getsgparent | ( ) | Returns the node's hierarchical parent. |
| getmatrix | ( ) | Returns the node's first transform matrix. |
| getposition | ( ) | Returns the node's position. |
| getworldtransform | ( ) | Returns the node's world transform. |
| getworldmatrix | ( ) | Returns the node's world transform first matrix. |
| getworldposition | ( ) | Returns the node's world position. |
| getworldtolocaltransform | ( ) | Returns the inverse of the world transform |
| getworldtolocalmatrix | ( ) | Returns the inverse of the world matrix |
| gethierarchymode | ( ) | Returns the hierarchymode of the node, which may be inherited |
| getparentworldtransform | ( ) | Returns the exclusive world transform of the node |
| getparentworldmatrix | ( ) | Returns the exclusive world matrix of the node |
| setworldmatrix | (
Set the world matrix of the node |
| setworldposition | (
Set the world position of the node, leaving the rest of the transform unchanged |
| setmatrix | (
Set the local matrix of the node |
| traverse | (
Traverse the hierarchy and call a map function on every node |
| gettransform | ( ) | Return the top Transform node of the transform stack of this SceneGraphNode or this if the stack is empty |
| filltransformtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Transform" attributes |
| fillscenenodetemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Primitive" attributes |
| fillproceduraltemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Procedural" attributes |
| fillgeometrytemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Geometry" attributes |
| fillsubdivtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Subdivision" attributes |
| fillopengltemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "OpenGL" attributes |
| filllinkingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Linking" attributes |
| fillarealighttemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Area Light" attributes |
| fillraytracingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Raytracing" attributes |
| fillshadertemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Surface" attributes |
| fillshadingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Shading" attributes |
| fillsamplingtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Sampling" attributes |
| fillanimationtemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Animation" attributes |
| fillvolumetrictemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Volumetric" attributes |
| fillcurvestemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Curves" attributes |
| fillparticlestemplate | (
Fill a template table with the "Particles" attributes |
| isinstance | (
Returns true if the given path contains an instance |
| isleafinstance | (
Returns true if the lath item of the path is an instance |
| createinstance | (
Create an instance at this node |
| removeinstance | (
Remove an instance |
| flatteninstance | (
Flatten an instance by name, or all instances if name is nil |
| realpathtonode | (
Returns a node from a path, this path must be static |
| pathtonode | (
Returns a node from a path, this path may be dynamically generated by RenderGraph instancing |
| listrenderattributes | ( ) | Get the list of available render attributes |
| getrenderattributedefinition | (
Lookup the render attributes definition by for a category and aan attribute name |
| setrenderattributeproperty | (
Set a render attribute property |
| displayrenderattribute | (
Enable/disable the display of a specific attribute in the properties |
| getrenderattributes | (
Get the rendering attributes of a node/path |
| pathworldtransform | (
Get the local to world transform a node/path |
| getparentpath | (
Get the parent path of a path |
| pathworldtransformorient | (
Get the local to world transform a node/path with its local z axis transform applied (lights and cameras can have their z flipped) |
| pathlocaltransformorient | (
Get the world to local transform a node/path with its local z axis transform applied (lights and cameras can have their z flipped) |
Inherited from class HostNode
types.string | HostPath | RW | The data archive to read HostPlugs value when baked |
| deleteinheritedattr | (
Delete an inherited attribute plug from the node |
| overrideinheritedattr | (
Override the attribute |
| setinheritedattr | (
Set the inheritance status of the attribute |