
class DynAttrPlug

A user attribute attached to a HostNode. DynAttrPlug plugs are transmitted to the renderer and are accessible using the renderattr SL function.


class DynAttrPlug < class HostPlug < class BakePlug < class Plug


Inherited from class Plug


boolean result isconnected ( Plug output ) Test if a plug is connected to another
bool result hasoutputs ( ) Tells if the plug is connected in output to some other plugs
nil adddependency ( Plug output ) Connect an output plug to this plug
nil removedependency ( Plug output ) Connect an output plug to this plug
nil removealldependencies ( ) Remove all input dependencies of this plug
nil hasdependencies ( ) Tells if the plug is dependent on other plugs
nil getbackdependencies ( ) Retrieve the list of plugs this plug has dependencies on, or nil if none
nil hasbackdependencies ( ) Tells if some plugs are dependent on this plug
nil getname ( ) Returns the name of the plug in its parent
nil getpath ( ) Returns the path of the plug
number flags getflags ( ) Gets the plug flags.
types.bool state getflag ( number flag ) Get a specific plug flag.
nil isanimatable ( ) Tells if the plug value can be animated
nil gettype ( ) Get the type associated to the plug
nil isrefoverriden ( ) Tells if the plug state is overriden from its reference state
string result tostring ( ) Returns a human readble string of the plug's value
nil getdependencies ( ) Retrieve the list of plugs this plug is dependent on, or nil if none
nil adddependencies ( Plug ... ) Connect outputs plug to this plug
nil removedependencies ( Plug ... ) Connect an output plug to this plug
nil get ( ) Returns the value of a plug. The plug must be readable.
nil set ( Type value ) Set the value of a plug. The plug must be writable.
nil getraw ( ) Returns the raw value of a plug, regardless of its invalidation state.
boolean result isvalid ( ) Returns the validity status of the plug
nil validate ( ) Force the plug validation by evaluating the plug.
nil setvalid ( ) Force the plug valid state, but the plug is not evaluated.
nil touch ( ) Invalidate this plug
nil connect ( Plug output , boolean safe ) Connect an output plug to this plug
{Plug} result getoutputs ( ) Returns the list of output connections
nil disconnectall ( ) Disconnect a plug from all its connections
nil disconnect ( Plug output ) Disconnect an output plug from this plug
nil disconnectcontrol ( ) Disconnect the plug from its input and delete the input if it is a control and it is no longer connected
nil getnode ( ) Returns the parent node of the plug
boolean dependent isdependent ( Plug plug ) Returns true if this plug is dependent on other
Plug result getinput ( ) Returns the input connection
nil delete ( ) Delete this plug.
nil setflags ( number flags ) Sets the plug flags
nil getinmotion ( int steps , float time , float start , float stop ) Return an array of values of this plug evaluated in time.


nil flushinvalidation ( ) Flush the invalidation counter
