class sceneoverride
A scene object that performs attribute overrides on its input scene
class sceneoverride < class scene
| compile | ( ) | Compiles all overrides. This step is mandatory after all overrides have been set. |
| set | (
Associates a path regular expression to a dict of variables to override. Call compile after setting all overrides |
Inherited from class scene
| instanciate | (
Create an instanciating scene from an input scene and a scene to instanciate |
| merge | (
Create a merge scene from an input scenes |
| override | (
Create an override scene from an input scene |
| setevalprogress | (
Set the current progression of the scene evaluation |
| setevalresult | (
Store the Lua/Python script evaluation result |
| unode | (
Create a user scenegraphnode |
| uref | (
Create ref data chunk |
| urefnode | (
Create a user scenegraphnode that references a scene node |
| uscene | (
Create a user scene |
Compiles all overrides. This step is mandatory after all overrides have been set.
Associates a path regular expression to a dict of variables to override. Call compile after setting all overrides
pathregex the path regular expression to matchoverrides the dict of attribute name to override value