
class Edit

An editable text


class Edit < class Text < class Window


Inherited from class Text


nil settext ( string text ) Set the Text window text string to display
string text gettext ( ) Get the Text window text string
nil setcolor ( ui.color color ) Set the Text window color
nil setshadow ( ui.color shadowcolor , number shadowdistance ) Set the Text window shadowing properties
nil setfont ( string|nil font , number size ) Set the Text window font and size.

Inherited from class Window


nil destroy ( ) Destroy the window and all its children windows
nil setx ( number x , number parentpivot , number pivot ) Set the X window placement
nil sety ( number y , number parentpivot , number pivot ) Set the Y window placement
nil setw ( number w , number parentmul , number childadd , number childmul ) Set the window width
nil seth ( number h , number parentmul , number childadd , number childmul ) Set the window height
nil getx ( ) Get the window X coordinate in the parent space
nil gety ( ) Get the window Y coordinate in the parent space
nil getw ( ) Get the window width
nil geth ( ) Get the window height
nil hide ( ) Hide the window
nil show ( ) Show the window
nil disable ( ) Disable the window
nil enable ( ) Enable the window
string path getnodepath ( ) Returns the edited node path (is nil if the method is not supported)
nil setnodepath ( string path )
nil addtracker ( table tracker ) Add a tracker to this window. A tracker receives notification when the tracked window is invalidated or destroyed. A tracker may implement onTrackedDestroyed and onTrackedInvalidated to get notifications on such events
nil removetracker ( table tracker ) Remove a tracker of this window.
nil setcolor ( ui.color color ) Change the window color, see also ui.color function
nil getparent ( string|nil parentclass ) Get the first parent window of given class (immediate parent if no class is provided)
nil settopmost ( ) Set the window as top most in children order
nil getchild ( string|number name ) Get a child window
Window container getcontainer ( ) Get the main container of a window
nil settitle ( string name ) Change the window title
nil setfocus ( ) Set the focus to the window
nil getroot ( ) Return the root window of this window
