class scene
A scene object that contains a scene graph to traverse
Children classes : class sceneinstanciate , class scenemerge , class sceneoverride , class uscene
| instanciate | (
Create an instanciating scene from an input scene and a scene to instanciate |
| merge | (
Create a merge scene from an input scenes |
| override | (
Create an override scene from an input scene |
| setevalprogress | (
Set the current progression of the scene evaluation |
| setevalresult | (
Store the Lua/Python script evaluation result |
| unode | (
Create a user scenegraphnode |
| uref | (
Create ref data chunk |
| urefnode | (
Create a user scenegraphnode that references a scene node |
| uscene | (
Create a user scene |
Create an instanciating scene from an input scene and a scene to instanciate
name the name of the scenesource the scene to use a sourceinstance the scene to use an instance
instanciate the new sceneinstanciate
Create a merge scene from an input scenes
name the name of the sceneinputs the scenes to merge
merge the new scenemerge
Create an override scene from an input scene
name the name of the sceneinput the scene to override
override the new sceneoverride
Set the current progression of the scene evaluation
progress the progression, between 0 and 1
Store the Lua/Python script evaluation result
result the evaluated scene
Create a user scenegraphnode
name the name of the scene
usernode the new user node
Create ref data chunk
refpath the path to the referenced scene
chunk the new user ref chuck
Create a user scenegraphnode that references a scene node
name the name of the noderefpath the path to the referenced scene
refnode the new user ref node
Create a user scene
name the name of the scene
userscene the new user scene