
class guerilla.Tree

Bases: guerilla.Window

A simple tree list

This class implements basic behaviour for a tree organized list. It is possible to specialize some part of the tree behaviour to enrich the tree list window. By default, a Tree uses a simple tree of nested table, where children are stored in the array part. Each child might be a string or a table. If a child is a table, then Name must be filled with the child name.

LUA{ local tree = ui.tree (“tree”, parent) tree:settree ( {

“leafA”, “leafB”, “leafC”, { Name = “Node1”,

“leafAA”, { Name = “Node2”,

“leafAAA”, “leafBBB”, “leafCCC”,

}, “leafBB”,


} ) }


Override This method must return true if the item can be expanded, to display the expand button

Parameters:item – The tree item to query
Returns:True iff item can be expanded
Return type:bool

Override This method must return true if the item can be selected

Parameters:item – The tree item to query
Returns:True iff item can be selected
Return type:bool

Override This method must return the text color for this item

Parameters:item – The tree item to query
Returns:The item displayed color
Return type:ui.color

Override This method must return the number of children item within a tree node.

Parameters:item – The tree item to query
Returns:The number of children in the item
Return type:number

Override This method must return the icon texture for this item, or nil if no icon is needed

Parameters:item – The tree item to query
Returns:The icon name, or None for no icon
Return type:str or None

Override This method must return the text for this item

Parameters:item – The tree item to query
Returns:The item displayed name
Return type:str

Return the selected item

Returns:The selected item
Return type:??

Override This method is called when the tree list selection has changed

Parameters:selection (table) – The new selection

Set the current selection

Parameters:item – The new selected item

Update the tree list with the new given tree

Parameters:tree (table) – The tree to be displayed