
class guerilla.RenderGraphNode

Bases: guerilla.GraphNode

The base class for all nodes in a RenderGraph

A RenderGraphNode is a RenderGraph node that takes attribute inputs and

returns attribute outputs. The node computes its outputs attributes from the values coming from the input attributes. A RenderGraphNode inputs are represented by RenderGraphInput nodes, and outputs are represented by RenderGraphOutput nodes. Input attributes are found in the Plug input plug (input.Plug:get () to retrieve the input value) and output attributes are found in the Plug output plug (output.Plug:get () to retrieve the output value.) An input or output value can be either nil or a table:

  • nil: the value is not active, meaning that the currently evaluated SceneGraphNode
    is not part of this graph path
  • table: the value is active, meaning that the currently evaluated SceneGraphNode
    is part of the graph path. The table contains the attributes set by previous nodes in the graph. This table is a association of attribute name and An empty table means the object is evaluated, but as no attributes attached.

The contexts in which this node is active, or an empty string to be always active


The invalidation plug. Invalidating this plug causes all RenderGraphOutputs of this node to be invalidated. This plug is dependent on all RenderGraphInputs


The node position in the graph, as {x,y} components


The node state, either “active”, “bypass” or “disabled”. When “disabled”, all outputs values are nil. When “bypass”, all outputs values are the node’s first node input’s value.
